Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Take A Freak - Peek At Ghoulia's Diary!

When I was just a little ghoul my father took me to my first Skultimate Roller Maze match. I do not know is it was the speed of the game or the skill of the skaters or even, dare I say, the unpredictability of how each team reacted to the objects encountered in the maze but I became an instant fan. After the match I got my "We're #1" finger autographed by both teams. I still have it hanging up in my room. 

I loved SKRM so much that my father took me back several times that year and he even allowed me to look through his collection of SKRM cards, each of which came in its own protective case, of course  and I memorized the stats and names of all the greatest players...yes, yes the names and stats of the not so great players too. I watched old films of the great teams from the past like '27 werewolf team that went undefeated and the '56 gargoyle squad that had their wins taken away after it was discovered they were cheating. Eventually I went from being a just fan ghoul to getting certified as an official SKRM referee. 

I know that many monsters cannot understand why a ghoul would be so interested in a sport that not many ghouls play but that is the great thing about sports. Any monster can play if they have the ability and want to work hard enough to perfect that ability. Even for those of us who may not be big enough or fast enough - hah - or strong enough we can still enjoy watching the competition. It is part of being myself, being unique and being a monster. Now if you will excuse me I have a match to referee and possibly an autograph or two to collect. 

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